about me

a little cream andtraditional-sugar-bowls-and-creamers sugar…

I’m a realist, most of the time.  I like the truth even when it hurts, and at times when I’m not ready to hear it.  Over the years I’ve observed that some of the best lessons come out of facing the truths about yourself and your decisions.  But we are all human and hearing the truth is one thing, and accepting that truth is another.  Its amazing when the truth has been told to you about something several times but you weren’t ready to hear it.  Sometimes we have put so much of our heart and soul into something we don’t want to hear the truth of its failing conclusion.  Humans need hope. They need hope to keep going regardless if they fail or succeed.  When truth is told with a little cream and sugar, it gives us that sweetness of hope and a sense of understanding and acknowledgment for our efforts. Being honest can be “always the best policy” as long as the approach, timing and a dash of hope go along with it.  And that is “a little cream and sugar” explained.


I grew up in the Midwest right outside the city in the cookie cutter suburbs.  I was lucky to have parents that taught me to work hard, how to make a friend anywhere you go, never lose your sense of adventure, be introspective of yourself and others, and accept that you will always be a work in progress.Screenshot-2-460x390

I’ve lived and studied abroad in two different countries, and went on to get my BA in Communication Studies and my Master’s in Business Admin. I’m a firm believer in allowing the truth to set you free and that our roots have a profound effect on our decisions.

I started this blog to share my little truths and reflections about my life.



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